What promises does Brents and Sons make to their customers?
We promise you to be reliable and on time when you need us. We promise customer satisfaction and to do the job to the best of our ability. Customers are our new family and we want them to feel that way. We promise to be professional, to dress and look respectable. No vulgar language or horseplay. We promise to clean up, remove trash, vacuum, and sweep up our messes. We also promise to fulfill the customer’s needs. We don’t sell the customer something they don’t need or anything that is not 100% correct.
What do I need to know about Freon and refrigerants?
R22 (Freon) refrigerant will no longer be used in new equipment after 2010. R410A is the new refrigerant of choice by every manufacturer because it is ozone friendly. R410A has been in the field with great success since 1996. As of January 1, 2006, manufacturers are no longer allowed to make cooling equipment with less than a SEER rating of 13. When purchasing your new heat/cooling system, you need to know: Brand name, SEER ratings, HSPF ratings, and AFUE ratings. (See FAQ below for explanations of these terms.)
What is Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF)?
The heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) is a measure of a heat pump’s energy efficiency over one heating season. It represents the total heating output of a heat pump (including supplementary electric heat) during the normal heating season (BTUs) compared to the total electricity consumed (in WATT hours) during the same period.
What is Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)?
The energy efficiency of a forced-air furnace is measured by its AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency). This number calculates the percent of energy used that is returned to your home in the form of warm air. For example, today’s high-efficiency furnaces have an average AFUE of 93.2. In other words, for every dollar you spend on heating energy, 93.2 percent is put back into your home as warmed air. Furnaces manufactured 20 years ago had an AFUE rating of 60% or less. That means upgrading to a high efficiency model can lower your heating bills by up to 40%!
What is Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)?
The energy efficiency of a central air conditioner is measured in a unit called a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). The SEER is the cooling output divided by the power consumption, with climate and other variables factored in. The higher the SEER, the better. A rating of 13 is considered the minimum for new systems.
What else do I need to know about Heating/Cooling equipment?
Basically, when you buy a new heat/cool unit, the higher the ratings, the more efficient that unit is and the better the warranty. However, purchase price goes up with efficiency, and it is important not to cross the line of installation cost to payback to you. Choose a reputable heat/air company, buy efficiency, and save money. Remember, sometimes the cheapest thing you can buy can turn out to be the most expensive thing you’ve ever owned.
Where can I find more information about heating/air conditioning equipment?
Many facts about heating/cooling equipment are available on the Internet. All major manufacturers have very good web sites. You can also subscribe to receive free updates from our blog and read the articles located on our website.